Ko Tauaiti te Wharenui
Ko Hineaorangi te Wharekai
Ko Kutaroa te Marae
Ko Ngāti Tauaiti te Hapū
Ngāti Tauaiti currently have 274 registered members.
The trustees of the Ngāti Tauaiti Hapū Settlement Trust govern the affairs of Ngāti Tauaiti in relation to the benefits derived from the Ngāi Te Rangi Treaty Settlement. The trustees are accountable to the members of Ngāti Tauaiti and are responsible for reporting to hapū members.
The members of Ngāti Tauaiti elect the trustees to the Ngāti Tauaiti Hapū Settlement Trust via the election process in the Ngāti Tauaiti Hapū Settlement Trust Deed. The members of Ngāti Tauaiti also elect a trustee to the Ngāi Te Rangi Settlement Trust and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi Trust via the election process contained in the Ngāi Te Rangi Settlement Trust Deed.
The Kutaroa Marae Trust administer Kutaroa Marae affairs.
Background/Purpose: The trust was established in October 2013 to recieve and manage any benefits for Ngāti Tauaiti arising from the Ngāi Te Rangi Treaty Settlement. Such benefits will be distributed to Ngāti Tauaiti Hapū Settlement Trust from the Ngāi Te Rangi Settlement Trust.
Current Activities:
Management of trust assets. At this stage primarily cash assets
Distribution of infomation to Hapū members
Current Trustees
Hori Murray (Chairman)
Taiawa Kuka
Cheryl Murray
David Murray
Aroha Mikaere
Edward Tukaki
Election Policy: Trustees have a term of 3 years. The election process is governed by the Ngāti Tauaiti Hapū Settlement Trust Deed which holds that elections will be held at the annual general meetings of the Trust, where Ngāti Tauaiti members are able to vote by secret ballot.